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Meet my newest love.

You know when you want something sooo bad so you literally stalk one of your favorite sites every single day for like eight months straight in hope that you can snag a sale and you can finally treat your self to that sassy little something you've had on your wish list?! Yep. That totally happened with this Kate Spade Emerson Place Vivenna gorgeous-ness and I'm not ashamed. Not one bit. Haha.

It reminds me of that classic Chanel but without the heavy price tag and I love how simple, classic and chic the color is. (Also available in black) Right up my alley. It's the perfect size for my makeup bag, inhaler and a few other odds and ends. And I'm absolutely cuckoo that it's a cross body. I'm so in love I might just wear it year round. Ok who am I kidding? Of course I will!  I'm obsessed, ok? Actually obsessed just might be an understatement. :) Happy hump dayyyy! Lots of love.



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