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Orange Obsession - Day 3 Wet N' Wild "Purty Persimmon"

Happy Saturday loves! I bring to you the last lipstick from my Orange Obsession week. Meet Purty Persimmon 970 by Wet N' Wild. A beautiful orangish-red semi-matte lipstick that is to die for!

Purty Persimmon was THE lipstick that started my love for orange. I just love how insanely bright it is. It's the perfect lipstick for any woman that loves trying something new and I hear it's a great dupe for M.A.C So Chaud. (!!!) It's no secret that I absolutely adore Wet N' Wild lipsticks. The application is insane with only one swipe needed to get full color payoff and it lasts forever! A very high quality product at an affordable price. No complaints here.

I've never been a fan of orange lipsticks but they really are so much fun. Orange screams spring and summer and look good on everyone. (Which reminds me, can we just fast forward through winter already?! Womp womp.) ;) I hope you enjoyed my favorite picks of orange lipsticks this week and got some type of  inspiration to try one. Have a fabulous weekend. Until next time, toodles.



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