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28 Days of Lipstick!!! - Day 15: Wet N' Wild "Pagan Angel"

I'm sure we all have those one or two lipsticks that don't quite fit with the rest of the collection. Today I wanted to do something a little different for today's post of "28 Days of Lipstick". Meet Pagan Angel by Wet N' Wild.

The name pretty much sums up the lipstick. It's a semi-matte black lipstick. I originally bought this lipstick 'cause I saw a friend of mine rocking a black lip (and like I've said before I'm very adventurous), so I just had to try it! Find it here
 The color is just beautiful, the formula is really creamy, and it's extremely affordable for $2.99! I did have to build the color for true pay off but that's more than enough reason to have it in your kit!! While I feel  like a complete bad ass when wearing Pagan Angel, I don't see myself rocking this lippie too often. Until next time, toodles.

Would you  rock a black lipstick?


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